Computer Vision-Based Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) Development


  • Real-time high implementation of computer vision-based ADAS system on Object Detection, Multi-Object Tracking, Lane Detection, Lane Departure Warning System, Lane departure warning system, Forward Collision Warning System.


  • Developed ADAS functionalities, including FCWS, LDWS, and LKAS, using only visual sensors.
  • Integrated object detection using YOLO models (YOLOv5 to YOLOv10, EfficientDet) and lane detection with Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2 in ONNX/TensorRT.
  • Enhanced tracking capabilities with ByteTrack for multi-object tracking and trajectory prediction.
  • Provided example scripts for lane and object detection using ONNX/TensorRT models for ease of deployment.
  • Implemented model quantization techniques (e.g., float16) for optimized model size and performance.
  • Developed a fully operational video inference pipeline with configurable lane and object detection models.
  • Implemented a traditional image processing pipeline for lane detection using camera calibration, distortion correction, perspective transforms, and color-based thresholding techniques.
  • Created a robust lane pixel detection algorithm that includes lane curvature calculation and vehicle position detection relative to lane center.
  • Compared the performance of traditional image processing techniques with deep learning models for lane detection and tracking performance.
